Yes its been two years since I blogged. I am on a diet again, actually more of a life change. A heart attack will do that to a person. I am down to 209 now. I have reduced sodium, fats, saturated fats, processed sugars, cholesterol, while increasing whole grains. A friend gave us a home gym that I have started working out on.
The kids are doing well too. Evan is home schooled and doing OK. Takes some work sometime getting him to do his work. Caylum is showing extreme gifts in math and reading. Jarod is doing great when we can read his problems to him. Kiara does well also. Leila and Kian are still not in school yet. Leila has a speech impediment that the school is going to start working on. We have discovered several of the kids have cholesterol issues, but the indication is its a heredity problem. That is being worked on diet wise. I am working real estate full time and work in a pool store part time. Kris is working for a veterinary hospital part time and going to school full time. Aslan, our lab, still thinks hes a puppy and is just plain crazy. He recently had some lumps removed and a lot of tissue rremoved where a spider had bit him.
Election coming up and not crazy about either major candidate for President. I am also not a fan of the hatred and lack of respect for the right to an opinion being spewed from constituents on both sides. I will have to take a good look at the third party candidates on our ballot. I do NOT believe your status as a Christian automatically determines your vote as both major candidates have stances that I believe are anti-Biblical and stances that are pro Biblical. I believe this is one reason we are told to put our faith in NO man. And that No Man is Good. These are just my opinions and I am not looking for comment especially since most likely it will be a comment or opinion I have heard before. I believe the best thing for both major candidates would be to stop talking, and even more so for their VP's.
Dad has been in pain with his arm, but sounds like he will be seeking surgery to try and fix it. Mom pretty much has heart issues daily, but since shes mom it doesn't stop her much. I actually understand that better now. You don't wanted to be treated like an invalid or like you are on deaths door, but at times you have a better understanding how fleeting life can be. Neither of them can stand not working. With mom its yard work, etc., with dad its going to a job where he can make a difference. Mom has a job now too.
Thats what I got...See ya in two more years...LOL