Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Weight Loss

Sarted yet another diet last month. So far I am down about 25 pounds. Kris has been on it with she needs to LOL...Using the spark people web site to track things combined with my experience with good and bad nutrition, fats carbs etc... I have been adding a lot of walking to my day. Never have been much of a runner.

Cub scouts

No dont get on your coats nothing froze over, just figured i would post. We had our first official cub scout meeting last night. Good turn out. there are lots of Tiger cubs ( first graders). No wolf cubs yet(second graders), One Bear Cub, thats E, (third graders). There were also a few Webelos (fourth and fifth graders). Now mind you this is a Brand new pack, we just got our charter. K is the Bear den leader and Tiger den leader(for now), I am the cubmaster. The boys had a blast, they tried to pop balloons tied around their competitors legs. NOT ONE Popped after about ten minutes of playing, so we stopped them and told each one to try and pop their own balloon, even that took some effort. Hopefully some parent will step up and take the reins of the Tiger cubs so that we might be able to better build up the other dens and the pack as a whole. The Sponsors daughter stepped up and is working with the Webelos, hopefully she will stick with it, she seems to do well with them.